Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What does layover mean when traveling?
I am booking flights for two children. I don't whant them to have to get off one plane and go to another one... The info says that there would be a layover inbetween the flight and it has different flight numbers...anyway, how do I know that won't happen?
What would you do in this situation?
Well it's pretty much taking a risk, it's better to be safe than sorry. It's your choice if you want to take the risk.
Why is it so #$%# difficult to get soup in Australia?
Everywhere I go they have fries,burgers,nuggets,kebaps,pizzas,even sushis are now so very common...but when I ask for soup all I get is a #$%# blank stare? Isn't it time they accepted the fact that not all customers are trendy young yupsters with all their own teeth? Why I cannot get soup at McDonalds, nor at the petrol station or at the airport or chemist or fish/chipshop? I like to have soup at least 2-3 times a day but its not so convenient to carry it around with me because sometimes it spills in my pocket or in the car, who is responsible for removing soup from the menus and can they please put it back?
I have 12 hours layover at MNL, is there anything anyone can recommend for me to do outside the airport?
I have a layover @ Manila International Airport for over 10 hrs. Is there something i can look at around MNL? I have never been to MNL/PH.
Mammas, what's your take on feather hair extensions?
So, what's your take on the trendy feather hair extensions? Totally awesome and hippy-chic, something you'd totally do or approve of, or gross and trashy and teeny-bopper? Somewhere in between?
What happens to a child who has fluid in his ears when he flies on a plane?
I have plans to fly to florida. My son is going halfway with me and meeting his grandma during out layover. This is about a 2 hour flight. The problem is that he had an ear infection a few weeks ago and his docotr said the infection was gone but there was still fluid and to come back in a month to recehck. I've made him an appointment and I will not put him on a plane if the doctor sais no but I'm just wondering what are the ddangers of flying with fluid in your ears? He's 2 by the way.
How does the secret government against dissident circumvent any door lock for secret home invasions when away?
No sign of lock damage shows. Many innocent honorable citizens are having this problem. Corporate media will not do a story about it. Do you know a remedy? House electronic alarms and cameras can be remotely hacked into and that is not a cure either.
Do guys like short hair on girls?
I have long hair right now and I'm thinking about getting a cute, trendy, stacked, short hair cut. Cute or unnatractive? Or should i even cut it?
Need help with baby girl names?
My girlfriend and I have been arguing about baby names for the past month. She wants something more common and all-american, but I want something trendy and different. She likes the names Madison, Kylee, and Trinity. I like the names Keyarra (Key-are-ra), Anastasia, and Kylah. Any suggestions or compromises?
Parents: What age you would allow you child to fly alone?
Okay, I am 15, and my little sister is 13. This summer, we have no plans, no camps, travel, plans with friends. Nothing. We really want to fly out to Alaska, from Boston with a layover in Seattle to visit our family out there. We would fly unaccompanied minors, and we have both made the route once before with our grandmother, who unfortunately will not be able to accompany us this time around. My dad has agreed, my family in Alaska is fine with it, but my mom doesn't think it is a good idea. She so worried about us having to make an emergency landing, or getting stuck in Seattle, or getting fogged out of Alaska. The flight attendants will be watching over us, so what can happen? We are both responsible, and know right from wrong. Please help, we really want to go!
What is the cheapest airline to fly from Hawaii to Ukraine?
Departing from Honolulu airport, to Kiev. Don't care how long or how many layovers, I'm looking for price efficiency. Help? Prefferably someone who's done it?
Should Fergie relinquish being a British subject and become US citizen?
Should the Duchess of York denounce Queen and country that has treated her so badly to become a US citizen? She loves the US and makes tons of money in the US, whereas the UK hates her and vilifies her daily. She is a bit of a joke the way she begs money off people, but that's because Queen Liz ordered her cut off from financial and emotional support from the palace years ago.
Am I a slut?...I've done some stuff and my parents think I'm horrible.?
Okay so since I was a little kid I've always been the "problem child" Now that I'm a teenager (15) I've found a new "problem." I'm super boy crazy and a huge flirt. I'm not allowed to date and I've had A TON of boyfriends already (I know I'm young) but we've never done more than a short sweet kiss. However, I've done a bit more than that with my bro's best friend that I've known forever, but it's a secret that's been going on about 7 or 8 months. I sometimes wear a little makeup and my clothes are kinda revealing sometimes, but that's cause I wanna look trendy, not like a whore. But I'm starting to freak my parents and myself out lately, because a lot of guys have tried to get me to do stuff with them, and I'm scared one day soon, I'll be put in a position where it will be hard to say no.I know I'm attracting guys attention, but I kinda like it. Does that make me a slut?
I'm really liking this name recently... opinions?
I've always thought Jadon was lovely. I've never had a problem with the (ay-den) sounding names as long as they're not made up. I love Aidan, Jadon and Hayden. Very handsome.
What to do on a plane ride from philadelphia to honolulu?
The simplest thing you can bring (and the easiest, lightest) is a paperback book (or two). Do some research now and pick up a couple of paperbacks. Start the first one a few days ahead of time to be sure you like the story, and then you'll have several hours worth of time killer handy.
Baby name poll old and traditional meets new and trendy?
Lawrence John...Maddox Remington is just unpleasant to me...Maddox makes me think "mad dogs" or "mad ox", and Remington makes me think of guns. Lawrence John sounds much more intelligent and will grow up better.
Cute haircuts for teem girl?
im 13, and i want a new trendy haircut. i want to keep it long, so keep that in mind. id like some link and pictures please& thank you! (:
Who will take over for the FTC concerning criminal debt collectors ?
I understand that the FTC's limited legal authority has led to the development of a new department that will impose greater fines in the millions and prison terms for criminal debt collectors that violate federal and state law. How will this apply to the thousands of third party citizens who have received threats to extort money especially when they have zero debts , are not associated or obligated to the debtor , and have requested numerous times not to be contacted by a debt collector. My question pertains to the practices of Worldwide Recoveries , LLC and the numerous aliases they go by. Also is there a national forum for people across the nation to report on Worldwide Recoveries activity ?
Hot Asian man gazing into my eye, does he fancy me?
Well, I'm not quite sure. But being of asian descent, it's either something about you bothers him or he's just accidentally seeing you sometimes? Guys are complicated, but just strike up a simple conversation like asking him who his daughter is because your child could be in the same grade? Best of luck.
At what age did you (or would you) allow a child to fly alone?
If she'd be accompanied to the gate and everything its sounds like there's no way of some type of mix up (wrong plane, missing the flight, etc.) So in that case i think it'd be fine at just about any age. But I'd say like 10 or 11 would be an ok age. But I could justify younger. Depends on every kid individually. If she's younger, but responsible, I don't see an issue.
My first time flying??? Please help?
Your airline will take care of the baggage transfer. It's all taken care of when you board the plane. Your bag is marked with a label, and will be loaded under both of your planes. Don't worry about it. You can pack make-up, just don't pack powders, kool-aid, tweezers, over 3 oz of shampoo, or any liquids, but mascara and makeup are ok.
I have a 10 hour layover in Moscow before my next flight? Can I get a temporary visa?
I have a 10 hour layover in Moscow before my next destination, I have never been to Russia and would like to tour around Russia with what little time I have. Can I have a temporary visa issued at the airport that would allow me to go outside? I live in USA, so would I need to go the the Russia Consulate in the US and get the visa? Thank you.
Flying to London from New York?
Assuming that all goes smoothly and on-time, not counting "frisking" or any layovers, about how long is the flight from New York City to London?
Could you give me some middle names?
My boyfriend and I don't know when or what gender our baby is going to be, but he really likes the first name James for a boy. I like the sound of James Mason. Last name Arrington. But he wants to explore more options. We like creative and trendy names. So please give us some middle names for James _________ Arrington. We can't seem to agree. Please help! Btw I love names like bentley. Please give us as many as you can!!!!
Flight layovers and boarding times?
Boarding times are local, that is, the time where you are boarding. Time at origin or at destination don't enter into it.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Does the puppet President have bosses who tell him what the agenda is?
Yup. Ronald Reagan was a puppet president when his Alzheimer got the best of him. But he was good looking, white, a repub, and could tell a joke with the best of them. And G Bush was a puppet as he couldn't string together two coherent thoughts. Oh, and I forgot tricky Dick. What goes around comes around folks.
I dare you to make some sense out of this?
Erm... is it supposed do have a moral? Like, don't take **** from anyone or do things on your own time? I've never read the book.
First time flying alone?
Ok I'm 14 and i'm going to fly from el paso Texas,to phoenix arizona then to salt lake city,Utah then to Billings Montana now I've flown before but never by myself so I was wondering do you have any tips.Also how will it work I'm confused about layovers and such
Opinions on names that "Age well"?
I think some of the cutesy ones like Kyliegh and Ryder and stuff will still sound a little childish to our generation, but to our kids generation, they'll probably just be normal names. And then they'll sound really dated and old to our children's children because they're trendy and only suited one decade.
Good urban and trendy clothing stores in calgary, pls help?
I just moved in from new York. I'm a 16 year old guy, african american, if that helpslol. In new York theres so many places to buy clothes and stuff from, I moved into the heart of downtown Calgary, AB, what are some good, urban clothing stores in downtown? thanks, and are they reasonably priced? thx
Was I wrong to break it off?
I still care about my boyfriend a lot but I broke up with him last night because I cannot deal with his baby mama drama. And I've dealt with baby mama drama in past relationships but this girl is over the top. I know she is not over him and she would always use the baby as an excuse to get what she wants. And when he refused, she threatened him that she will file for full custody and he won't be able to see the baby anymore. He's not a citizen so he cannot contest it. It's hard enough that I cannot see him often (baby mama doesn't let me near the child) but I felt like I just reached my boiling point. Now the baby mama got kicked out of her patents' house and he's letting her move in. Like, wtf?I miss him so much but it's just such a messed up situation.
What percent of US population will go their hole life WITHOUT visiting Florida?
and also without even having a stopover or layover in Florida? What percent?? Max points to the best answer
WDYT of the name Priscilla?
I must admit, at first when I heard it I HATED it because the nickname "Priss" but lately I've been liking it because of "Cilla" i think its a feminine and pretty nickname(: I like classic names better than these trendy names going on now.
Have you seen this documentary on the evildoers?
No I dont believe in conspiracy theories, yes governments have agendas and are capable of playing machiavellian politics but I dont need to believe some lizard men (this was part of the original NWO conspiracy theory, Muslims use jinns instead lolz) are in fact behind all that.
Attractive asian man eyeing me..does he want me to approach him?
Yea he wants you, just go up to his house one day an knock on the door n be like "Chinese food delivery" !!!! Trust me it works!
Why should I be subservient to a god who condones slaughter?
How is it that Moses received the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" and then later, Yahweh literally orders the slaughter and conquest of places like Jericho and Ai (the citizens of the former were slaughtered to the last woman and child)? How is that in keeping with the commandment? I will not put my faith in a killer!
Has anybody applied for the overseas citizenship of India? I wanted to know what exact steps (10 pts)?
I wanted to know what exact steps I would have to take. I am a born US citizen with Indian parents. Thanks in advance to anybody who can help me out
Summer nail polishes! <3?
Whats your favorite summertime nail polish? Mine currently is between turquoise and cacaos by essie and coat azure by essie. I'm looking for bright trendy colors!:)
Would any police department hire me as i'm skinny and have a light voice?
dont let your parents get you down man. Im in the same place. I want to be a marine and my parents say im too sensitive or something. Just dont let anyone get ya down man
Will the Republican Party go extinct once Obama and us liberals naturalize the Illegal Immigrants here?
They are fighting for their political lives indeed. Therefore they are trying to remain in power by keeping the elderly and minorities from voting with their photo ID laws. They don't require a photo ID when you buy an AK47 from a gun show, but they require a photo ID to vote in South Carolina. They will use dirty tricks to keep people from voting. They are scared of the grannies after they lined up to support Paul Ryan's plan to privatize Medicare so they have to figure out how to keep the seniors from the voting booth.
If a foreign woman gives birth to a child at a U.S. Embassies, is her child a U.S citizen?
I was wondering what would happen to a child who was born on the property of a U.S embassy in a foreign country to a foreign person. Is their child technically a U.S citizen or a citizen of that county?
Will fluid in my ear be an issue when flying?
In about 5 weeks I need to hop on a plane (about a 31 hr flight with 2 layovers) but just today I got a build up of fluid in my ear. This has happened before and cleared up in a few weeks, but if it doesn't, will I be in trouble when the air pressure changes on my flight? If so, what can I do/ will ear plugs help?
First time flyer, will be alone...... any tips?
I'm 13. In July I will be flying alone from Wichita to Dallas. There will be a 2 hour layover in Dallas then I will go from Dallas to Seattle. I've never flown before and am deathly afraid of heights. My mom will help me through security and stuff when I leave Wichita, but I'm scared that when I get to Dallas, I'll get lost and miss my flight or something.
Would you rather splurge on high end designer shoes or high end designer handbags?
Personally I feel like I would rather spend more on nice handbags just because I'd rather get trendy shoes. What do you think?
What should I do for a 13 hour flight layover?
I'm flying to Munich in July, and I'm most likely going to have a flight that stops in Frankfurt with a 13 and a half hour layover. I'm traveling alone, and i'm 15. I speak German (not yet fluent) and i'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for what I should do?
Help me resolve a debate please?
as long as you are teaching her responsibility as well. It sounds like you are so there should be no problems. does she earn these treats ; like completing her chores etc; if so then you are doing everything right; I insisted my boys took ten percent of what they received [ cash wise] and banked it . If they got $100 , they banked $10.00 of it . That also taught them about saving for the things they want. It doesn't hurt to occasionally say no either. As we mature we then get to learn we won't always get our way and some things have to be earned and worked towards. It is alright to give when you can ; but it is better to reap the reward, once earned . I believe that is where your mother is coming from. good luck ; hope this helps.
Tips for layover in Cleveland, OH?
I am flying continental, and I am wondering what to do for a layover in Cleveland, OH. I know I'm going to be in either concourse C or D. Anything I can do for my layover?
I have a long layover of 22 hours in Dubai(DXB). Will I be provided with complementary hotel by Emirates(EK)?
My ticket is over $960 and I'm flying in Economy class from Guangzhou (CAN) to Dubai (DXB). My next connection back home from DXB is in 22 hours. Will EK airlines provide me with complementary accommodation in Dubai?
Were Mexican fans disrespectful to the American anthem in the Gold Cup Final?
wow thats nothing compared to what goes on in europe, you see in europe every country hates each other so the level of violence and disgust is times 100 hahaha
Why is India is prone to corruption ? Can this be treated as an appeal to the international platform?
It's because of the fact that the gap between the rich and poor keeps getting bigger. When people start to make money, they want more and in India, money gets you power and respect. People are willing to accept money as bribes or for other situations because there not gonna make that money anywhere else due to the lower standards of living in India, and in many cases, it will usually be the only way they can feed there families or meet other essential needs.
What would you do about this baby name problem? +BQ?
Your mom already got the chance to name her kids. I wouldn't let anyone have any say in my kids name except me in the father, as long as we love it then nothing else matters. But it's up to you.
Do you think Joe Mauer is gay?
He might be. Few professional athletes come out of the closet, but by sheer statistics, a good number of them must be gay. Some athletes have started coming out recently, mostly after they retire. Mike Piazza was often rumored to be gay too and maybe he is, I don't know. Hopefully over the course of the next decade it won't be a big deal for pro athletes to come out of the closet just celebrities do and politicians and broadcasters started doing more recently.
How long until we have a fart tax?
They are taxing dairy farmers for every cow they have because the cows release methane in their farts. How long until we tax the american citizens for their farts?
Which place is better for a vacation?
Come on up to visit us here in Alaska! We are just like any other state in that we speak English and use the same currency. You didn't say when they will be on vacation. Alaska is a huge state and the lightness/darkness all depends on where you are and in what month. Every hotel/motel has darkening draperies so relax...sleeping is easy. Yes, we are expensive. Gas here is $4.38/gal and diesel is $4.27/gal. Tourism is our biggest business here so we can accomodate your every whim in making your visit a memorable one. We have clear water, clean air, abundant wildlife, and wonderful scenery!
Work in england .....?
im a legal eu citizen so i gonna work as a legal employe in uk , i was wondering do they prefer to hire illegals for lower wages or legals only????
Are my shorts too short =/?
Dont listen to them.Shorts are shorts they are meant to be like that what does your mom expect? to wear old fashion shorts to your knees.Just tell her that and she might rethink about that.
If my great grandfather was an Italian citizen, can I get Italian citizenship as well?
My PATERNAL great grandfather was Italian (My dad's father's father) . He never left Italy thus never gave up his Italian citizenship. Through him, can I acquire an Italian citizenship?
Monday, July 18, 2011
LGBT: Does this not make you somewhat angry?
It did make me angry and still kind of does but I feel that it's so important that everyone gets tested and informed that I dont really say anything but yes, it's unfair stereotyping.
Are you hated by your in-laws?
My in-laws really do not like me. I've been married for 10 years this year and they still don't like me. I am from another country but I became a U.S. citizen last year. I work full time and I go to college, I am a good housewife and I am a thrift person. I treat my husband very well and my in-laws know it. We don't have kids. They told my husband that they don't like foreign people. But my husband chose me to be his wife and that's how it is! I always treated them with respect and dignity. Every time they came to our house I served them lunch and was very nice to them. My husband's oldest brother threatened me one time back 9 years ago, because he too hates foreign people. Since he had a gun, I had to call the police. They didn't arrest him but he was booked for domestic violence (he yelled crazy things at me and threatened me). Anyway, after this incident, my parents-in-law hated me even more. My husband and I moved far away from them, about 6 or 7 hours drive. So now they hardly come here. My husband never really took a stand for me on this. I understand he has strong family ties, but I think he should demand some respect for me and him. What do you think? What can be done? Tell me if you are hated about your in-laws, why and what did you do about it. Thank you!
My flight has a layover, how can I get my bags in the layover city? Please HELP!?
Call the airline. You probably can't do it, but if you can, that's what you're going to need to do anyway.
How can the justice dept. sue for asking for too much documentation before hiring?
Rules are Rules! if they don't follow them, they get slapped with a lawsuit and fine. I'm glad the Justice Department is doing their job.
Do I need a visa to walk around New Zealand?
I am flying from Charlotte, NC to Sydney, Australia. I have a 13 hour layover in Auckland. If possible, I would like to make the most of my time there and explore New Zealand for a little of the time I am there. Do I need a visa in order to this or must I stay in the airport for the duration of my layover? Thanks!
Pacsun 2011 lookbook?
I'm a guy and I'm looking for similar sources as to how I can improve my style by exploring different looks. I've been looking at some of pacsuns looks for guys for a while now and even those are limited so anything trendy is appreciated.
Senior citizens, ladies, what do?
Of course my wallet. But also chapstick and gum. There is a lot of other stuff in there, too. But I must have chapstick and gum.
Why do people like the name Nevaeh?
I see a lot of people here ask why people hate it. I am one of them that HATES that name more than any other name, but I'm just curious on why people like it? Do you think its like trendy? I am not trying to be rude I just find it tacky, trashy, and tasteless. Curious on why people like it? And reasons beside "its heaven spelt backwards" would be nice. Because that doesn't make it any better.
Traveling to Europe, air booking and baggage check tips?
You might find an airline line that will allow more luggage, but you will have to pay for the extra weight. Can't you just buy some new stuff when you get settled in over there (like for winter)? Keep ALL your valuables with you and don't lock your suitcases. The douane (customs) are going to break the locks (they did this to me !) if they want to do a hand search of your luggage. And they might even after they X-ray it.
Pokemon Emerald: How do I change the trendy phrase in Dewford town?
I realize Pokemon emerald is outdated but I still play it so don't judge me. Anyway In dewford town I'm trying to change the phrase but the guy won't accept it! I've tried every possible phrase but none seem to work. Some of the phrases worked for my friends but not for me! So if anyone around still has any pokemon emerald knowledge please submit an answer. Thanks!
Why do dog treats smell soo delicious?
For real. They smell good, and every time I give my dog a treat i'm tempted to taste one. I never will, but still. Is it because they are trying to make it more appealing to elderly citizens or what?
6 hour layover in Chicago O Hare?
In September myself and my boyfriend will be leaving Las Vegas to come home to Ireland. In between we have a 6 hour layover in Chicago O Hare? We don't really want to risk going too far so does anyone have any ideas of things to do near the airport (if there is anything) or nice places to eat/drink while in the airport?
What would be the legal requirements for a foreigner joining the U.S.M.C?
i am a south african citizen looking to join the the Marines after school and i would like to know what is all the different kind of forms and things i would have to do to actually join thanks in advance
Flying from Amsterdam to America with a 12 hour layover in London.?
Will They let us leave the airport to do some quick sight seeing? If so will our passports alone be enough to leave and reenter the airport to catch our flight back to the states? Or will they require us to obtain separate visas'
Did Chamberlain's government's decision to go to war in 1939 benefit the World?
You will always have people who think that it is glorious to go to war rather than seek a peaceful solution. If one is attacked or invaded, then to resist is indeed glorious. But to make war on another state in order to resolve some problem, as Hitler did and as the west has been doing with Iraq and Libya, is not. In the case of WWII, Germany and Japan were the aggressors and would have attacked us after invading other countries.
How is this style called?(picture)?
It's called 'Tie-Dye' where the shirts are tied with bands and then dyed so that random patterns appear on the material.
Does Mahan Air have in flight wifi?
I'm flying with Mahan Air since it's cheaper, I just don't know if they have wifi at all? Last time I flew was 3 years ago so yeah. Also, if anybody knows, the the Tehran Airport (3 hr layover) have any free wifi? I dont need it, but if they have any that would be great.
Why doesn't anyone have any respect for the Palestinians?
I agree with everything you said. The facts are on your side, no matter who wants to deny it or why.
How do I get visas in advance?/ Do i need a visa?
You get the visa before you fly. Your travel agent should arrange this for you. If not contact the embassy in Washington.
What do you think of this name?
It's a little plain, but I still love the name Michael. I wasn't a very big fan of their first daughters name.
What should I pack for this trip?
Im going to Washington state to visit my dad, 3 layovers for my flights, 3 weeks there and I know that I'm obviously gonna need outfits and toiletries, anything else I might need for random entertainment? (im a teen)
If the FED ends will the illuminati reigns end as well?
Everyone has to remember, ALL secret socities plans are world domination and control. The president does not run the United States, he is only a puppet. This government is run by the trilateral commission. When people do some digging and find out for themselves who really has the power, the more shocked/scared you will become.
Flying as an unaccompanied minor...Tips?!?
you are never alone when your an unaccompanied minor. You are first on the plane, and last off. You sit next to other kids and right by the attendants too. They don't baby you, but the check on you often and when you are on your layover your under their watch. Also, they don't leave you until they person registered to pick you up is right at your side :)
Where can I get a cute satual bag?
I've noticed them becoming more and more trendy and I was wondering if any of you knew of any stores that sold them at a reasonable price.
Where can i find really cheap airplane tickets to las vegas?
can someone please help me by recommending any airline that will give me really cheap airplane tickets to las vegas from washington dc. It can even be a website or phone number. the tickets have to be approximately $300 or even less for one person. i dont mind layovers and stops as long as i get there and its cheap
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Can I obtain Portuguese citizenship if my great-grandmother was a Portuguese Jew?
Hello, on my paternal side of the family my great-grandmother (mother of my fathers mother) was a Sephardic Jew (from Portugal.) However, my grandmother and my father (as well as his siblings) never obtained Portuguese citizenship. I know that the Spanish government offers a reduced time for someone to obtain citizenship if they are of Spanish Sephardic ancestry, however I was wondering if the Portuguese government offers anything similar? The main problem I think is that my great-grandmother and grandmother have deceased; my father and his siblings however are still alive. I can speak some Portuguese but nowhere near 100% fluency, I can however speak fluent Spanish, as my family is all from Nicaragua (where my the Portuguese Jewish grandmother emigrated to as well.) Would it be easier for me if I applied for Spanish citizenship instead? I am an American citizen and my desire is to obtain EU citizenship so I can move to Europe for cheaper graduate school. Thank you for your help, I understand if this is a little complicated.
How can I mail alcohol to the US from another country?
I am planning a trip to South Africa, likely stopping at an airport in Germany for a long layover. What would be the best way to send/bring alcohol back home to the US? I am 20, so I don't think I'd be allowed to just pack it up, because I couldn't have it in the US? I'm stopping at some vineyards in SA, so I'd love to bring/send some back to my family.
Navy Intelligence Specialist qualifications?
im currently getting ready to join the navy and looking for the right rating. i came across intelligence specialist . i seem to meet requirements except one. my mom is only a us resident and not a us citizen. will this keep me from possibly getting this job? i'm also interested in master at arms but i have read that the job is overmanned and leaves no room for advancement is that true? thank you
Girl's Names, Not too trendy?
I'm having triplets in a few months. They are all girls. I already have a set of twins, Shane Michael and Violet Olivienne. I'm starting to run out of names I like! I'm thinking of naming one of the girls Lorelei Corinne, but I'm stuck on the other two. I'd like to choose names that aren't weird or made-up sounding, but also aren't super trendy like Abigail or Kaylee. Any ideas? Help would be much appreciated!
First time flyer via connecting flight?
i am traveling to new zealand,wellington through singapore.How do i make connecting flights?Do i claim my luggage and check in again at the domestic terminal in auckland?i have a 4 hr layover in there anyone who can advise me on the step of how this connecting flight works?Thanks!!!
Do you think Canada is going to re-instate the death penalty in the near future?
I would hazard a guess that in the next 30 years there will be no capital punishment anywhere in North America. I would also hazard a guess that there will be no capital punishment anywhere in the world by the next century. That is the aim of the UN!
Guys, attraction to Muslim women?
I'm not interested in Muslim women because I want to see hair. If a woman hides her hair and face with a hijab, then it might irradiate me. Maybe some guys like those women for being "mysterious," but I don't. I don't think it's a lot of guys, really. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but a lot of Americans are being wary of Muslims now because of what's been happening lately. I am one of those people who are being distrustful of them as well. I'm sure some Muslims are nice people, but it's hard right now to know who's who.
What to do on a plane ride from philadelphia to honolulu?
Hopefully your airline has personal seat back in-flight entertainment, if it does they usually have plenty of movies and tv shows to watch as well as music and games. If not, sleeping is the best thing to make the time go by, or bring a book or whatever else you like that will keep you entertained.
5 hour layover in Paris (CDG) while Bangkok-bound?
Unfortunately there just isn't time. While your parents luggage might be booked through, they will still need to get through Passport control at CDG and this is notoriously slow, sometimes one hour or more. Then they need to get to the RER train station and getting to an from Paris can take up to 45 mins each way. In addition, once in Paris, they need to make their way to wherever breakfast has been organised, and back to the station. Plus they need to be back at the airport at least 2 hours before their Bangkok flight departs. It's just not worth the worry.
Stupid things to do during a 10 hour layover?
im going on a group trip this summer and we have a 10 hour layover in the atlanta airport. this is about 20 high schoolers we're talking about so it should be interesting. we've thought of stuff like a scavenger hunt, pissing off security enough to play movies on the screens and playing hide and seek in clothes racks lol. any other suggestions?
4 hour layover at Schiphol in Amsterdam... do I have time to leave the airport?
If so - what should I do? And how long would a train ride or bus ride to the city take and how much will it cost. Thanks!
Is 4:50 minute layover at schipol amsterdam enough time to go into the city for a few hours b4 my next flight?
If I arrive at Schipol Amsterdam Airport at 0700 am and have a 4:50 minute layover until my next flight departs for the U.S. I was hoping to walk arounf the city for approx 1:50 minutes or 2:00 hours. That leaves my 2:50 minutes to travel to and from the airport and walk to my get. Does anybody think it is possible?
When transferring between concourses at Charles De Gaulle, is it necessary to go through the security check?
I'll be flying from Nice, France to Washington, DC soon, transferring at CDG. My flight from Nice arrives into terminal 2F, and my flight to Washington leaves from terminal 2E. I checked the CDG website for directions between gates and they lead me out of the restricted area. I only have about an hour layover time, and I am wondering if I MUST go through security when transferring between concourses, or if there is a way to get from one gate to another without leaving the secure area.
Does anyone else feel that the political systems today is kind of wrong?
I just think that its way off, and that it needs rebuilding into something more acceptable for everyone equally. I hate the heirarchy, and how people get to rule, and there's no say from the citizens, we can't choose who would rule, we can't kick someone out. I mean we are all in this together, aren't we...?
How to read a bus ticket (need help tonight please!)?
Generally RS just indicates rest stop. As a side note, in the future from Pittsburgh you can now use the Megabus system, its faster, cheaper and really comfy!
Visa clearance from Ireland to USA?
I am flying from Dublin to New York next month with a2 hour layover at Amsterdam, just wondering will I have to clear immigration at Dublin/Amsterdam or New york airport?
What to do during a 7 hour layover in Newark, NJ?
My mother and I have a layover in Newark, NJ this june. I am interested in knowing what we should do during this time. Should we go into NYC or just stay in Newark? If we stay in Newark, what should we do? Is there good things to do in the airport? We want to spend our money in Greece, not in Jersey, so whatever your suggestions please consider to have them be frugal. Thank you so much!
Senior citizens.. important question on medical proxy. I have no one to turn to..?
but you, dear answerers who are always so full of wisdom. Having a very small family (and my friends are worse off than I am so I cannot depend on them as their health is fragile and they may not even be here at the time this arises) I HAVE NO ONE absolutely no one, I trust to be my medical proxy and carry out my wishes if the need arises. The only one I would have considered is OUT. They have TOTALLY different views on what should happen with a person who is incapacitated. THEIR views come first. THEY do not agree with my wishes, and have blatantly told me so. Their views would come first. SO I cannot name them as a medical proxy. My question: what does one do to make sure their wishes should they become incapable of making these decisions, are TRULY respected and carried out? ps, I have no bizarre or unusual requests, its just that my views are different from theirs and they are unmoveable on their own views. They have told me outright I am wrong (In their eyes) and would not honor my decisions. Please give me any opinions or advice you can offer. Also with the life span increasing and smaller families having been the trend, I am sure I am not the only one finding myself in this position..THANK YOU for any and all help you can offer. take care and GOd bless.
I’ve got to know that new Cinema 3D has got trendy 3D glasses with it as that true?
My friend told me that 3D Glasses doesn’t look ugly…I don’t know whether I should believe it or not..
What time for 6:00 Flight?
In a few days i have a flight leaving from Buffalo Intl Airport to Raleigh Durham Intl Airport with a layover in Baltimore Intl Airport. Im flying on Southwest Airlines. For a 6:00 am flight what time should i get up, be at the airport... etc.
Need input about a Gemini man, please!?
I would keep it light and easy and don't look to deeply into things! I've dated 2 Gemini's and I'm a Scorpio. We can be intense at times, but I didn't blindly give my 100% coming into either relationship until I was sure they knew I wasn't there to play games and would easily dismiss them if I wasn't happy. It worked out for me very well. The first Gemini sounded a bit like ur situation... he was very friendly, we worked together for months and he actually paid for my trip to meet him out in Miami to have wrap up some work business. He really went ALL out and I am very reluctant to accepting freebies, but he was genuine and hey worse case, I got everything I wanted and more. Well two years later... we were still together and he truly put me 1st. I would say, keep it light, simply and show your appreciation. I can be smothering as a Scorpio, but the Gemini gives me enough edge to not want to be so serious and it works itself out. We are no longer together because I moved and we kind of grew apart, but man, he took it HARD. It didn't help either that I found out he slept with this ex/baby's mom while we were technically still together. Weird thing is, she knew about me and wasn't mad at him. I was pissed and disgusted... she was completely opposite of me and NOTHING should have lead him to cheat. He had no explanation and I don't take well to that. He liked the fact that guys always chased me at work and in our personal lives an treated me like a prize nonetheless. He bought me countless gifts that had meaning and was always very thoughful. If I could take away that once instance of cheating, he would have been the perfect guy and it could have lead to marriage I'm sure. He was very intelligent, quick witted and didn't take my Scorpio-isht! LOL! At the end of the day, a very strong guy who alway had my back and never lacked showing me attention or showering me with gifts. I had my own place but I stayed at his, we drove to work together, worked in the same office together and you would think we would've driven eachother crazy! At times we did, but it never drifted us apart. They say Gemini's are known for needing space and floating to their personal lives, but this one, wanted me around ALL of the time! Too be continued...
Which name do you prefer - Mary or Maribeth?
I know both are kind of old-fashioned and not really trendy these days. I have a friend in her early 20s named Maribeth that doesn't really love her name and is thinking of just going by Mary. If you had to choose between Mary or Maribeth, which one would you go with? I personally like both and don't think there's anything wrong with her name - it suits her. But I guess I'm biased. What do you think of each of these names?
So can a guy feelings change if your not a citizen of the country?
So I have been here 6 years in States and me and my boyfriend are in love with each other. I feel really ackward telling him that I'm from another country and passport of another country.I really love him but I have had boyfriends in the past being distant from me because of that. I just hope it doesnt affect how he feels about me. Can anyone tell me what to do because I genuinely like him and i really want to keep things as normal as possible.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Whats the cheapest flight you can find from Minneapolis, MN to Hawaii?
4 tickets, going to Oahu, and I need the lowest fare we can get! Round trip tickets! I don't care how many layovers there are! June 24-June 28 or 29 Please HELP!
Recommend some trendy clothing sites?
Looking for some sites similar to and Trying to find more websites that have cute vintage inspired clothes and perhaps features indie designers.
When will I go through customs on an international flight? (CVG to FRA to TXL)?
I am taking a large group of travelers from the US to Berlin (flying US Airways). We have a layover in Frankfurt on the way to Berlin. Will we go through customs (including retreiving our bags in Frankfurt)? I hope not as we only have a 1 hour and 10 minute layover. US Airways says that we will, but the travel agent swears that we won't and that our luggage will be checked all the way to Berlin and that we will not clear customs until arriving in Berlin. Seems to be some confusion over what "first point of entry" means. US Airways says it's when you first enter Eurpoe and the travel agent says it's when you first enter Europe and leave the airport for your stay.
When you are on a layover, can you exit the airport?
I'm going to have a layover in Korea for 11 hours, do you think I could exit the airport and visit Seoul for like 5 hours? I have no knowledge of Korea about buses? Please give me as much info as possible.
What is the best Michigan lake community to live in for a single 32 year old male?
I'm moving from Chicago and am a single 32 year male. The trendy single scene is awesome in Chicago, but I'm about ready to get a place on a lake in Michigan. I understand Michigan isn't the greatest place to move as a single guy who often vacations in SoCal, Vegas, Miami, and the Caribbean, but I'm a down to earth guy and my family is in Michigan. Where would be a good lake spot to move to in Michigan? Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, Detroit Surrounding Area?? I'm extremely active and must be around other people to fully enjoy my lifestyle. Northern Michigan probably wouldn't work for me.
What is a good middle name for Jack?
I like traditional names, such as Michael and Christopher, so please don't suggest anything trendy like Aidan or Jayden. Thank you, fellow baby namers!
Twin girl names? Choose from my list of themes?
The only theme I like is the pretty combinations with names starting with different letters. I think they are all gorgeous names, but my favorite is Alexandra and Isabella.
I have five hours in London, what should I see?
I have a 7 hour layover at Heathrow and I wanted to get out and take some photos of London and eat some good food (fish and chips). Any suggestions? My hobby is photography and I think food is an excellent way to experience a culture.
Games / Mind Games? How can I smell a player coming my way?
Why are men always playing games with women? To get them to bed, without the commitments? How do I spot a player? I've been played out all the time. Not sure if it has to do with my looks. I've been looking very young and attractive, trendy too. I can never find someone real and true to me, that's so sad. Even married men tried to hit on me.... To bed I guessed.... Sigh.....
What to do for my 12 hour layover in Newark?
If there is a airport hotel you can spend the night there! or you can be alone by hanging out in another concouse and play video games or somthing like that!!! I hope this helps!
I have a 13 hour layover in Amsterdam, what can I do?
The plane arrives in Amsterdam at 7:30AM and departs Amsterdam at 8:25PM. I will take into consideration, debarking, customs, boarding, and security. So that leaves me 6 hours (10:30-3:25).
11 hour layover in London... what should I do? and how to get around?
Cheapest and simplest option is to buy an all zones travel-card for the underground. This will get you into central London from the airport and will give you unlimited use of the underground for the rest of the day. Underground trains are very frequent in central London. Last time I bought one the cost was �7 but i suspect they have gone up since. No doubt another poster has the current cost.
F-1 Visa and it's restrictions?
I'm basically getting a F-1 Visa because I'm attending college in the United States but I'm a Korean citizen. I know that the F-1 Visa is mainly for student use but if I have a girlfriend who lives in the States (different state from where I'm going to school) as a legal resident and citizen, does this mean I can't go see her directly from Korea because of the status of my Visa? Does this also mean I have to stay in school the entire time I'm in the United States? Would I have to first go to school then go see her?
We will have a 9hour layover in London, how do you know if you can leave the airport to see Buckingham palace?
You are classed as "in transit" you have a ticket to leave, the authorities assume you will be getting on the plane along with your luggage which will not be going with you to see Buck House !! so you are allowed to go anywhere you want, as long as you are back in time for your flight..Heathrow and Gatwick are not exactly in Central London so make sure you have enough time to get back !!
Will a delay happen if....? Help!?
This week, iwill be flying and have a layover in Dallas, then head to charlotte. The weather forecast says that there will be scattered thunderstorms in charollete that day. Will my flight be delayed? Or will they still take off if it's storming at the destination?
Should I surprise him at work?
Okay so I've started seeing this guy, and we both are falling for each other really hard. We don't get to see each other very much because of his crazy work schedule, and he lives about an hour away from me. The city he works in is about 2hrs from me. But I'm there a lot for Doctors appointments and family stuff. He made a comment saying that he would like me to stop by to see him at work for few minutes well I'm up that way. So here’s my question. Next time I'm up there should I just come out and tell him. Or Should I get the waitress to let me write a note on the order pad and surprise him that way. He's an assistant GM at a trendy chain restaurant. So just tell him or play some sort of low key joke that's not going to get him in trouble?
3 or 4 hours layover in Heathrow?
I just took a flight last year to Berlin, Germany with a stop at Heathrow (Terminal 5). 3 Hours should be plenty of time. If you had to change terminals I wouldn't go for anything Less than 4 hours (it's insane!).
If you had 5 daughters and 5 sons what would you name them?
okay for my girls they would be Blessing, Kylani, Tatiana, Faith, Hope. and for my boys they would be Malichi, Ezekial, Kason, Amahd, Kyan.
How to check baggage on a connecting flight?
I will be traveling from Cleveland to Charlotte, but there is a layover in Atlanta for 2hrs and 20 mins before i get to Charlotte. My question is, do i have to claim my luggage in Atlanta and then check it again there, before claiming it at my final destination (Charlotte)? and if i do have to check it again, do i have to pay again?
Can I leave the airport when I have a 6 hour layover?
6 hours is not a long layover. I would not recommend it. Remember you will have to still go back through security. Remember if you miss your flight, the airline will cancel your entire ticket and you will have to buy a new one.
Can a person file for bankrupcy if they are applying to be come a US citizen?
would have thought it MIGHT be best to wait on filing for bankruptcy and get your citizenship in first.
Which are some good London day-tours?
I have a ten-hour layover at Heathrow, and since it encompasses an entire day in August, I was hoping to see some of the sights for a few hours. Can anyone recommend such a tour?
Mmigration question ?
ok let me rephrase my question, do you believe that if an immigrant breaks a law, pays the price set forth by a sitting judge, rehabiltates themselves, and move on to become respected members of society, and build families of law abiding citizens that they deserve to be torn away from their families decades after they paid their price to society? (and i dont mean violent crimes, lets say they commit a crime of theft of say $200) do you think deportation is a fair punishment?
How to get a us working visa?
Start at www. It is hard to get a work visa in the US and even harder to become a citizen. You pretty much have to have a job before you can even apply for the visa.
How is a 20 year old supposed to dress?
I feel as though at the age of 20 you should still be able to dress however you feel comfortable. Live your life the way you want to run it, not how society thinks you should run it. Now when you are turning 90 or so you this question may be more reasonable, ive seen some old women who really need some advice and need to come to reality. lmao. But anyways, i don't feel like your style should your own, not the same as everyone else's.
What do I do when my plane does a layover/stopover?
Depends how long your layover is. If it's a long time, then go explore. If you don't have enough time to leave the airport, then stick to shopping at the duty free shops and go try the restaurants they have at the airport. Just don't miss your flight lol
Info on boarding schools in the UK for overseas students?
I am thinking about going to boarding school there in year 9 ( I would need a scholarship though.. But i think i'm pretty bright :/ i think...) I want to go to cambridge uni for my undergrads. I need a student visa right? ( i am not a citizen in any of the countries in the eu or commonwealth). Do i need a permanent resident? How do I apply for one? What are some good boarding schools? Any suggestions? I've been looking for one in the cambridge area and came across a school called the leys.. Is the school good overall?
What do you think of the name Elaine?
1. Its a pretty name 2. Elaine Marie, Elaine Nicole, Elaine Michelle, Elaine Rose 3. Sophia, Amelia, Olivia boys Tristian, Logan, Josiah 4. They sound nice together 5. Sounds fine. And i also think Ellie is a cute nickname for Elaine or Laney
Friday, July 15, 2011
Going to the Grand canyon from Los Angeles by AMTRAK?
My family and I are going to the Grand Canyon by train from LA. The only train there is arrives at Flagstaff at 4:30am. From here we take a bus to Williams, where there is a direct connection into the canyon. However, there is a 3.5 hour layover at Flagstaff. Is there a 24hr restaurant near the station where we can wait for the bus? We are traveling with our 14 yr old son.
What to do when I get to the airport?
I am traveling by myself for the first time via airplane. I am leaving the country and I have a layover of approximately one hour each way. My question is, can anyone tell me step by step what I am supposed to do when I walk into the airport? I just don't have a single clue! You used to get a boarding pass in the mail and now I hear something about a Kiosk? I am pretty nervous about missing a step and being stranded at the airport! Please someone help! Thank you.
Senior citizens, this is it for the night?
I don't think there's much in the U.S. that we don't think normal talk. If you visited, you'd probably say, "What's THAT mean" but we would think of it as perfectly normal.
Why do I always fancy girls who I think are too good for me?
aww lol well I guess that's just you then- but you're saying you like really pretty girls? well, talk to them more often so you can find more out about their personality and become closer :p
Immigration question pertaining to bringing your family to the u.s.?
i am an american citizen living in new york i would like to know how long it would take to bring my mother father and sister over here from mexico.
Could you please read the first few paragraphs of my story...?
Your character seems to be very fiery and that's a pretty good character trait. But, if she like this all the time, it may bore the reader. Everything seems so high-strung it makes everything pop but nothing seems to stands out. Besides her being conceited, what other flaws does she have? Where is the foreshadowing ('hints' about what may happen next)? Your writing is really good, but readers need something to cling to besides 'that she popular and randoms don't matter'. So a definite dramatic or seemingly inescapable problem should arise to make the reader want to read more. I hope I helped :).
If I have a 58 minute layover,should I get off the plane?
I have never had a layover before and I am traveling in a few weeks.Any advice will help.Please and thanks in advance.
What could you do in Singapore for 24-48 hours?
Instead of a 3 hour layover in the airport, I think it might be nice to check it out for a day or two. Obviously I would like to check out the city and buildings, but what else could I do in such a short time frame? And I do not want to go shopping.
BOYS: Would you rather date a girl who looks pretty or who is a major fashionista?
Okay so girl number one is very gorgeous but her fashion sense is okay (not too trendy or high end or too stylish, etc.). Girl number two looks okay (as in her fact) but fashion wise, she is trendy, and/or stylish, and/or has a lot of high end clothes. Which one would you rather be with?
TACA or COPA? I'm flying from Miami to Montevideo.?
I'm flying from Miami to Montevideo. The COPA flight connects in Panama and the TACA flight connects in Lima, Peru. TACA is cheaper than COPA, but the layover on the COPA flight is less than the TACA flight. Are there any major differences between these two airlines? Do you have any experience with them? Thanks!
Green Card in the US?
I want to become a US citizen by naturalization in the FUTURE. I am currently 15 years old, I don't know if I can get a green card in the US of permanent resident if I start living there before I'm 18 or if I have to be 18 or anything, I just want to know exactly how can I get a green card so I can qualify for the US naturalization citizenship.
How safe are greyhound buses? Is it safe for a teenage girl to travel alone on a bus?
NOT SAFE! I took a Greyhound bus trip once and it was a nightmare! Some weirdo pulled a knife on me (luckily he didn't stab me!!!!) and when we came to a stop I had to alert the driver, who called the police and the guy was removed from the bus. To this day I don't know why he did it or why he chose to then leave me alone. All I know, is that I WILL NEVER RIDE A BUS AGAIN! It's cheap travel so the you see some pretty troubled people on buses.
Asian dad staring into my eyes.. does that mean that he likes me?
I heard that if a man looks into your eyes then he is supposedly attracted to you. I pass this man every day, when I drop my child off to school in the morning, and then when I go to pick him up from school. I don't know this guys name, all I know is that he's oriental looking and has a son and I think he's married. He's around his late 20's early 30's. He's been staring at me deep into my eyes for months, everytime we pass. His gaze never leaves my eyes, even when I look back at him. I was intimidated at first by this, but recently I have become attracted to him. I have a major crush in fact and I was wondering what I should do next. Only thing is..I'm in a relationship with my childs father, (not married) so it would be betrayal if I acted upon my feelings. I want to know if he likes me though. How do I go about asking him this?..I have never spoken to him before. Perhaps he doesn't speak good English. (I like in the U.K, so there are tons of immigrants who don't know much English. Another clue as to him liking me is, that he struts when he walks infront of me, swings him arms slightly and keeps his head up, and lately he's been wearing really trendy clothes and puffing his chest out when he walks past me. I don't know what to do. If he has a wife, I have to be careful about how I approach him..can anyone give me a few tips on breaking the ice with him. Apart from just saying "Hi" ?
I am travelling to India via Manila from PNG. Next flight in Manila after 8 hour for DEL. Do i need visa?
I am an indian. I am holding India passport and job visa of PNG. I am travelling from POM (Papua New Guinea) to Manila at night. Next day I have flight to India. Layover time is 8 hours. I want to stay within the airport area. Is there any visa requirement?
Need help with trendy clothing for a 27 year old male (women's advice)?
Wear whatever clothing you feel comfortable in. It's not attractive when a guy looks stiff just because he's trying to dress trendy. Jeans and a T shirt or casual khakis with a plain polo shirt are just fine.
Do they have a flower shop in Salt Lake City Airport?
Im visiting my girlfriend in CA and i live in WA my layover is in Salt Lake City but i dont want to carry flowers the whole flight and through layover so if anyone has any knowledge of a flower place in the Airport id greatly appreciate it. Thanks
What should I do with a 13.5 hour layover at the London Heathrow Airport?
I would like to see London and I was thinking of taking the underground train. Unfortunately my layover is from 10:05pm - 11:30am (with the train it seems like I would have time from about 11:00pm - 9:30am in London) so not the best time to do things. Is there anything I would be able to do? Would I be safe walking around London by myself late at night/early morning?
Ray bans or Costa del Mars?
costa del mars... i never really notice if sunglasses are stylish, unless your wearing some lennon glasses i won't look at you weird, and that sounds cool lol
Can an under aged married couple fix his pappers?
Hi I am 17 and legally married am I able to get my wife her paper or at least start the process many lawyers said yes and others said no so plz help and if possible how can we archive this I am a us citizen
Going on a very long flight in two weeks! Nervous?
I'm leaving from Washington D.C on a flight overseas that'll be 17+ hours long, then a layover for 4 - 5 hours, then another 3 hour flight till I reach my final destination. I've flown before a few times but for some reason I'm feeling kinda more nervous this time!! lol. Do you have any advice to calm my nerves? Also, I'll be wearing a nice shirt and jeans but am considering taking sweats with me on the plane to change into - is that a good idea (I have to look good when I arrive though :P)? I'm 14, thanks :)
I'm 15 and flying alone for the first time?
I'm flying from Fairbanks ak, to Charlotte NC on Delta and I'm scared I might get lost. I"m a very shy person and I don't like to talk to people I don't know. Can anyone give me tips/ advice? And when I fly back I have a 35 minute layover in Atlanta, is that enough time to switch planes?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What should i wear for my birthday party?
hi,my birthday is just in 2weeks and i need something cute and trendy to friends always look good but its my birthday i really need something good to wear ,please give any good ideas on what to wear as i am totally confused
Do I have enough time to make a connecting flight?
Flying from the United States to Stockholm via Amsterdam with a short layover and concerned about time. Once I go through security in the states do I have go through that again before I make my connecting flight in Amsterdam? If so, how long does that take?
A little more information about my husband who was deported. I am an American citizen who was born and raised?
Sad story. Happens thousands of times a day. Had he not left the country, there would probably not have not been a problem. Think of all the people who have sick family members etc., but cannot leave the country for humanitarian reasons. Personally, I'd sell the house and move to England.
Layover at Amsterdam airport?
would i have time to look around Amsterdam if I have a 9 hour layover at the airport.? My flight is from Toronto to Amsterdam then Amsterdam to Nairobi if that makes any difference
What is something I can do nice for the MIL because I feel bad-?
Yesterday her flight got canceled due to bad weather in Dallas. So she had the option to take a layover in Salt Lake City or take a later fight to Dallas. Well she didn't want to take the damn layover in Salt Lake because it was three hours and when she ended up in Dallas for her layover all flights were canceled due to continued bad weather. I felt bad because no one was allowed out of the airport and no one was allowed in until the weather cleared up. My MIL had to stay the night in the airport for nine hours until her flight MIGHT have left Dallas to come to Los Angeles. I feel so bad because all she is coming to do is see her grandson and she had to stay the night in an airport that mind you had no food places open (Which I don't understand why they don't have a 24/7 food cart of or something if people are constantly coming and going from an aiport at all hours) I am waiting to hear if she actually MADE it out of Dallas. Like I said I just feel bad that this has happened to her and would like to do something nice for her. Any suggestions? That aren't costly?
What can I do in New York for 4 hours?
Apparently you can take the time to get on a computer and troll other users. Don't leave an answer if it isn't a real constructive one.
Am I a slut?...I've done some stuff and my parents think I'm horrible.?
Okay so since I was a little kid I've always been the "problem child" Now that I'm a teenager (15) I've found a new "problem." I'm super boy crazy and a huge flirt. I'm not allowed to date and I've had A TON of boyfriends already (I know I'm young) but we've never done more than a short sweet kiss. However, I've done a bit more than that with my bro's best friend that I've known forever, but it's a secret that's been going on about 7 or 8 months. I sometimes wear a little makeup and my clothes are kinda revealing sometimes, but that's cause I wanna look trendy, not like a whore. But I'm starting to freak my parents and myself out lately, because a lot of guys have tried to get me to do stuff with them, and I'm scared one day soon, I'll be put in a position where it will be hard to say no.I know I'm attracting guys attention, but I kinda like it. Does that make me a slut?
For trendy filipinos: hot brands?
Hi! Going to the phils in a few weeks, stayin in manila for a couple of days and gonna visit robinsons and sm and ayala malls landmark and whatnot. Havent been to the phils in a long tim and gotta know what the hot brands are when it comes to tshirt(prefarably slim fit v-necks) and slim jeans (levis?). Lalaki ako. Also i wanna get both my ears pierced for diamond studs, how long will the healing process take and whats the price for nice square diamonds in bacolod, or in general outside manila?. Salamat!
What would you name sextuplets?
Elizabeth grace, 2nd girl not sure. Numba 3 John bentley, 4. Sydney Leo 5. Violet Madison 6. Brooklyn Sierra
How should I redecorate my room?
I'm a 21 year old woman, and mother, and single. I like a lot of the modern mixed with neoclassical, but idk. I have high ceilings, my bedroom is 21x15, and I don't know how big my bathroom and closet is, but I want to redo them too. I just want to add some color, decor, and new lighting to it. The house was built probably about in 2008. I also live in Frisco, TX so where can I find some glamorous, trendy, young decoration and furniture stores in the DFW area? I don't want any bright colors either. More warm colors. So what do you guys suggest??
Attractive asian man eyeing me..does he want me to approach him?
Yea he wants you, just go up to his house one day an knock on the door n be like "Chinese food delivery" !!!! Trust me it works!
Why aren't more mothers pulling there weight?
maybe because their sons weigh more and our stronger than you dumb feminists? get back in the kitchen and stop spamming this question around whore.
City council in Oregon refuses the pledge saying they are citizens of the world. Do they represent their city?
Maybe we should sell Oregon and Washington to the Russians. Guaranteed the Liberals would squeal and squirm over that one.
My mum is very untrendy..what should i do?
My mum is very untrendy, and my friends call her trendy wendy. She embarrasses me so much,she's like a hairy gorilla. What can i do to make her more trendy?
How can i be prettier? ( Hair, skin nails, clothing...)?
Okay, im 17... and i dont think im that pretty... i have short lashes... brown layerd hair... (and i cant cut it.. house rules) i have long fingers with short nails... plain color.. i usually wear AERO and HOLLISTER and ABERCROMBIE clothes.. but i want a boost.. i wear the trendy gladiator sandles and i have a cheetah print design on my toe nails but i wanna look taller because im only like 5`3" or so.. should i wear heels?... i wear make up, but it makes me brake out :( and i dont really have straight teeth, ive had braces but i took them off myself... :( sadly.. and due to that, the stupid glue makes my teeth look yellow... so someone please tell me how to be prettier?! its going to be my senior year in high school and i wanna go through it looking fabulous :)
Cant find the name of this song anywhere!!?
is it the song playing on this trailer a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Help me with my style? I want to start looking cute again.?
Try having your hair short. It keeps your hair healthy and a trim every 6-8 weeks. If you do that your hair would be super shiny and healthy. That makes it look really nice. Keep those bangs or get face bangs.
Help with a Visa or longterm passport?
My wife (who isn't a citizen YET) would like to bring her Aunt over from Colombia to help us with our children for a year. Kind of like an Au Pair but without the going to school. What Visa would she need?
Since gays can be married now, can a gay bring over another guy to the US and make him a citizen?
you know how men can marry women and make them citizens, well can gays now marry guys of other countries and make them a citizen?
Should I cut my hair like this?
i think it depends on your face shape mostly, but if you really like it, and YOU like how it looks, then who cares if other people think it looks good? other than that thought, yes i think it would look nice :]
Who or what company makes the voodoo doll key chains?
I had a layover in Atlanta and walked into one of their many stores. There I found the most adorable "groom" voodoo doll. I've tried finding this online, but the most promising of sites did not have a price listed. I MUST get this to send to my brother-in-law to be in Afghanistan. Please help.
How long does it take for a cat to poop and pee.?
I'm traveling with my cat and I wanna feed him during a layover. The flight after the layover is only about 3 hours. I'm wondering if the will poop before or after. How long will it take to poop and pee.
What do you think about this hair? I really love this for me but its not my personality? what to do?
55 minute layover in Atlanta?
Hi, i think I may have made a big mistake. I'm traveling to Madrid soon, and I booked a ticket where there is a 55 minute layover in Atlanta in a change from domestic to international. Can I still make it? Is the ATL airport complicated?
What are some good, trendy, local coffee shops in St Louis, Mo?
I'm looking for a good coffee shop with local (preferably organic) coffee with a cool atmosphere in the St. Louis, Mo area. If you're familar with Kansas City, Mo think of places like "The Roasterie", "Broadway", and "muddies". Surely saint Louis has a good coffee shop, somewhere...
Mysterious asian man eyeing me. What is he thinking?
My Dad's is asian(chinese) and my mom is white european they made it work. This asian guy that I love thinks im white so he gets very uncomfortable when I stare to him
My papers were detained at mexico u.s border two years ago. how can i get them back?
i was a minor at the time and my guardian had been trying to smuggle an illegal immigrant into the u.s.using my papers. i was born here so im a full citizen and despreatly need my papers to get a decent job. please help!
I'm an American with legal residency in the Republic of Ireland. Am I allowed to work in Northern Ireland?
My partner is Irish, and I assume that if he moved to the North I could go with, but as a non-Irish citizen myself I don't think I can apply for jobs across the border. Is this right?
Cheaper to fly from Knoxville to Phoenix with a layover in Memphis than to Memphis Directly?
I am looking at tickets to go from Knoxville to Memphis but the flights are super expensive roughly $450. However if I book a ticket to go from Knoxville to Phoenix it is only $150 and has a layover in Memphis. If I don't check in any bags and just have a carry on, could I just not board my connecting flight to Phoenix and be okay? I don't have a return flight to Knoxville to be canceled by the airline so no worries there.
Is this haircut apropriate for curly hair?
Well, if you are planning on straightening it in the front, then it might look good. One important thing that comes into play, is your facial structure. If you have a round face and curly hair, then this haircut might make you look chubby. In that case, you could go for this haircut, but the length of you your hair could be a little longer(like till you shoulder). Then it would look awesome! This is just what my hair dresser told me...So anyway, hope it works out for you!! :-D
I need help finding a fashion for new school year?
Gotta love plaids. Plaid shoes, plaid shorts, plaid pants, shirts, skirts. Plaid socks. Get rad about plaid!
What to do on a long haul flight, and what to wear? iPad game recommendations too please?
I'm going on a plane ride soon too, and also have an iPad! My flight won't have wifi, so on the app terra, I saved a couple web pages of MLIA and amirite. Dinosaur rush is addicting, so is tower madness. SearchMission is like a mystery game, so that will be occupying! Arizona is HOT in the summer, but it also could be monsoon season, but I think that starts in July. Wear comfy shorts and an airy tank top, but bring a hoodie for the plane!
Can you leave an airport during a layover?
If it is at a foreign country's airport, assuming you have the proper paperwork/documents such as passport and visa, then you can leave the airport. If it is for a domestic flight, you can leave the airport, but you want to make sure you give yourself enough time because you have to go through security again.
Co-signing sponsor Immigration form 864 ...(affidavit of support)?
well, if the lady in question runs into financial problems and needs help, you're it. . she's not eligible for public funds, unlike your US friend. if she doesn't need help, you don't have to do anything. If you feel uncomfortable with it, don't sign it.
If I leave the airport during layover what happens to my luggage?
Hi! We are flying back to the US this fall from Nairobi to Atlanta via London Heathrow. We 8-9 hour layover in London. I would really like to leave the airport during that time to catch a few of the sights for my kids who have never been there before. So my question is - can we check our luggage all the way through or will they somehow know if we leave the airport and that affect our bags. We will have between 10 and 12 bags plus 3 checked car seats and 1 checked stroller (we are moving home after being here for 2 years) so this is obviously a huge issue and we can't plan on going in if we have to claim our luggage. Left luggage would be a nightmare with that many bags (not to mention the cost). I was just hoping to get it figured out so I can plan! Thanks!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What do I do during a 5 hour layover in antwerp?
The airport is only 20 minutes by bus from the middle of the city, and they claim you don't need to be back until 20 minutes before your plane leaves. Head downtown and do some sightseeing. It's an interesting old city.
Good food to take on a 48-72 hour bus trip? 10 POINTS BEST ANSWER?
I am going on a bus trip that will be 48-72 hours (depending on layover time) what food is good to take on this kind of trip? i would really prefer to have healthy food. 10 points best answer
What am I classified as on the political scale?
An anti- political. Your vote doesn't count because who could you vote for? You need to establish what you are for not what you don't like. The fact that you are Anti- U.S.A. troubles me. Believe whatever you want but be careful with your actions. Treason is a death penalty offense. I believe in the death penalty. I am a gun bearing conservative freedom loving American. Do not tread on me.
I am a first time flyer? I need help?
Don't stress(: I've been flying ALONE since I was 5 & I'm 14 now. Check the flight status monintors as soon as you get off in Texas. Then go directly to the gate to make sure the plane isn't going to depart late or early. You'll usually be near a bathroom and quick reasturants (McDonalds, Starbucks etc.) And shops where you can pick up some gum or a magazine. Then just go back to the gate and relax untill boarding time.
How would you prepare a six year old to fly by himself?
Please no reprimands on how he is too young. I don't want him to go, but my in-laws already purchased a ticket and my husband had told them it was fine before I knew about it. He sees no issue, he and his siblings all flew by themselves from 5 years old and on, to boarding schools and camps. My son has never flown before, now his two older brothers (10 and 11) have both flown many times by themselves. He is a very well behaved child, but how do I prep him for the loud sounds and the large bumps and the feeling of being shoved back into your chair. Any help without judgment is greatly appreciated. He is flying Phoenix to Portland, Oregon with no stops or layovers.
I've got a 9-hour layover in Amsterdam. What should I do?
I haven't been there, so I don't know how long it takes to get from the airport (AMS) to that place I want to go, which I also don't know. I like food, music, museums, people. On the way back I've got a a 5-hour layover.
Can you find me a $400 dollar flight for 2?
I really need a 400 dollar flight for 2 from new york(jfk) to monroe(MLU) departing at saturday from 7-9 pm only and arriving anytime before 4 am(if you can find it earlier please do!. I dont care for stops as long as the layover isnt too long, 3 hours tops. it can vary from 400-600 but id like 400, and i mean in total not for 1 person, both adults btw, please do help me, I tried looking for it but found nothing. One Way btw. THANK YOU!
Travel from USA to UK Via Portugal?
I will be flying to London Heathrow Airport from Miami to Lisbon Portugal and then from Portugal to London. Will I have to go through customs and have my pass port stamped two times--each in Lisbon AND London? Or will I just experience one immigration check when I arrive at the final London destination. My Layover in Lisbon is for two hours.
Sponsoring parent with a minor?
I just became a u.s citizen. - i want to sponsor my parents as well as my sister who is 16. we are all here in the u.s . i know that if i file for my parents the timeline is short and if i file for my sister the timeline is long. would i have to file separately or since she is a minor i wouldn't need to.
8 hours at London Heathrow?
there is a connecting bus between all terminals. follow the flight connection signs and you will get one. it takes 10minutes from T5 to T3.
How many are sick of TSA ?
The worst time to act is when something has already been implemented. The whole idea of the TSA should have never got off the ground.
Im a us resident how can i travel to mexico? Do i need a mexican passport?
I want to travel with my husband to mexico but im not a us citizen what can i do to be able to travel?
24 hours in London... what to do?
I am going to be leaving for France tomorrow and I hae a 24 hour layover in London. I will be staying in a Hostel near Hyde Park. I have never been to London, what should I go do/see? By the way, I am 18 years old, and I enjoy activities that are free of charge!
Was I wrong to break up with him?
I still care about my boyfriend a lot but I broke up with him last night because I cannot deal with his baby mama drama. And I've dealt with baby mama drama in past relationships but this girl is over the top. I know she is not over him and she would always use the baby as an excuse to get what she wants. And when he refused, she threatened him that she will file for full custody and he won't be able to see the baby anymore. He's not a citizen so he cannot contest it. It's hard enough that I cannot see him often (baby mama doesn't let me near the child) but I felt like I just reached my boiling point. I miss him so much but it's just such a messed up situation. I'm so sad.
Senior citizens, what song do you?
I don't want a funeral. I have made this quite clear. Instead, if you must, have a great party with bbq and drinks and music playing in the background. Tell jokes, laugh. Not a wake--just a party.
How can I move to germany?
My boyfriend moved to america from germany when he was 12 and now he wants to go back and I want to go with him. Is a german citizen always a german citizen? What is the easiest route for me to move there with him? I know that you must have a reason such as work or school but is there any way easier?
Assassins Creed 1 about Sibrand investigation?
I just started playing AC, I had Brotherhood when it came out but didn't play it because I wanna start from the beginning. My question bout the Sibrand investigation. I did all the view points, and helped all the citizens but the mission doesn't show up on the map. Where can I find it? I need help, thanks!
Ok i need help!Im flying by myself for the first time ever!?
You can bring your perfume but you can't put it in your carry on bag. My mom did that and they took it from her. It was expensive perfume to. Anyways, I took a plane by myself to Florida when I was fourteen I know it sounds weird but I thought it was fun I felt old haha. Anyways you'll be fine if you need help with anything just ask the flight attendant people they'll be more than happy to help you (:
Why is lady gaga's music so commercial?
I have said the same thing before, at least along the lines of "Even though she dresses outlandishly, her music isn't really that odd. If anything, it's just normal and lifeless, yet sometimes catchy if I'm in a good mood. "
Middle names for Noelle? suggestions too?
I love the name Noelle but need to find a middle name. I feel like it should end in an A though and match the style of the name. I have another daughter Lillian Elizabeth "Lily" and a son Henry Charles. SO no trendy middle names. and anymore name suggestions too! thanks!
I am flying soon and my iPhone's lock button no longer works. Can I just put it on airplane mode?
I would leave it in my checked baggage but I have multiple layovers and my husband is in Iraq, I don't want to miss his call.
What are some good, trendy, local St. Louis coffee shops?
I'm looking for a good coffee shop with local (preferably organic) coffee with a cool atmosphere in the St. Louis, Mo area. If you're familar with Kansas City, Mo think of places like "The Roasterie", "Broadway", and "muddies". Surely saint Louis has a good coffee shop, somewhere...
What Do You Think Of Our Band Name?
it sounds kind of average, you know? Like guys trying to come up with a unique band name that ends up sounding like everyone else. plus senile citizens sounds more of a heavy metal name to me, not alternative rock..
Questions about my kitten...10 points for best answer!?
Kneading your arm is actually an even bigger sign of contentment than purring! That is so sweet. It sounds like you have a very loyal companion. The tackling your feet and hands is just normal, playful kitten behavior. He will most likely outgrow it. If he doesn't, he still won't be doing that nearly as much. Also, sometimes they will do that just to get your attention. By yelling "NO!", you could actually be reinforcing the very behavior you don't want. If you ignore him when he bites you and turn your back to him or leave the room, he will realize it isn't any fun and he is getting a consequence he doesn't like. Just make sure to reward any good behavior you like with kind words and scratches behind the ears, etc.
How do I get my German visa?
My fiance is from Germany and came to thr US when he was 12 and noe that we are getting married he wants us to move back. Is he still always a German citizen? What would I have to do step by step to move there also once we are married? How long does the process take?
Is apathy a problem in today's society? Essay Question?
"An entertainment- driven culture runs the risk of encouraging passivity among its citizens. If they can experience something vicariously through a movie, television show, or video game, why should they get involved with the activity itself? It's safer, after all, to watch someone scale a mountain than to do it yourself. The effect of this passivity, of course, is an apathetic frame of mind. We cease to care deeply about so many things because they are experienced, at best, second- hand."
Can i transfer into another police force in another country ( read description)?
i am uk citizen could i move to another country and train to become police officer there if not can i train in the uk and how long would i have to serve with uk police before be able to go to another country.
Male body language..does he like me?
Cheating is baaaad but have you tried to smile at him before? Instead of saying hi, try smiling and if he smiles back say something.. it doesn't matter what
What type of electrical outlet plug is used in Netherlands?
On the web, they say type F and type C. I would like to know which type is used in AMS airport because I will have a12-hour layover there. Thanks.
What is a tough boys name?
that means strong, fighter, lion, brave but is also unique and trendy! were australian, so names we can pronounce :)
Why did Sarah Palin lie about her international travels?
Oh, so that would be in line with Obama's international travels before he became President then. Hmmmm, very interesting.
Do you think the girls name -Patricia, could make a come back in todays "trendy society"?
I think Patricia will make a comeback, but probably not for another 20 years or so. There are two things working in its favor right now: 1) Patty sounds a lot like Maddie and Addie, both popular nicknames right now (and similar-sounding names tend to run in generations); and 2) there are a lot of young men named Patrick right now. If they want to name a child after themselves and have only daughters, then Patricia is the logical choice.
What kind of passport do I need to enter to Italy?
I am a British and Algerian Citizen, I traveled from london Heathrow to Algeria now I am in Algeria, when i go back i will travel to Rome via Fiumicino airport on Alitalia Airways for a couple of days. so when i get to the passport control at Fiumicino Airport what passport i have to show them the British one or the Algerian one?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
What are some things that you can do for 2-4 hours layover at an airport?
It depends on the airport - you can read, eat, shop, use the internet. I usually go into one of the lounges, get something to eat, and relax.
Question about flying international from JFK?
I've flown international a lot but this time I only have an hour and 20 minute layover in JFK to get to my flight to Berlin. I arrive in terminal 2 gate C06 and depart terminal 3 gate 15. Am I going to have to go through security again between these two terminals? I could swear someone told me I'll have too.
Is canadian Citizen is Eligible for Investment in USA?
I am Canadian citizen and want to invest in property in USA. What is the Rules and Regulations and which type of visa is required for living there and lookafter of the property.
How to prepare a six year old to fly by himself?
Please no reprimands on how he is too young. I don't want him to go, but my in-laws already purchased a ticket and my husband had told them it was fine before I knew about it. He sees no issue, he and his siblings all flew by themselves from 5 years old and on, to boarding schools and camps. My son has never flown before, now his two older brothers (10 and 11) have both flown many times by themselves. He is a very well behaved child, but how do I prep him for the loud sounds and the large bumps and the feeling of being shoved back into your chair. Any help without judgment is greatly appreciated. He is flying Phoenix to Portland, Oregon with no stops or layovers.
Is it me or does forever 21 suck..?
Omg yes i know right!! I agree with you but there clothes are so cute but so cheap they rip easily!!!!
I am 15 and going on a flight by myself. ive never been in an airport before, and i have a layover. HELP!?
the layover is an hour and a half, and i am okay with being in a airport for that long, and people dont make me uncomfortable, but im worried that i wont know where to go, and how to get there. will there be signs or people telling me where to go? and what do i do about my baggage? im only bringing one bag, and a carry on. how do i find/go where i need to be?
1hr 30mins layover in Heathrow ony?
That's a perfectly good layover. Since you don't have to re-check in again, that's easily enough time to go from gate to gate at the airport.
Can I leave the airport during an 11hr. layover from CA-thru Florida to Peru?
I am going to Lima, Peru and have an 11 hr. layover. Would I be allowed to leave the airport in Fort Lauderdale to spend the day seeing things?
When I switch planes do I have to pass through security again?
I will be stopping in NJ (Newark) for about 2 hours (layover) and then heading to Germany (Frankfurt Interational) for about 4 for about 3 hours (layover). I'm going to be using "connect planes" and I'm flying internattionally, so do I have to pass through security even though I'm not at my final destination?. Also I'm 14, flying solo and I'm not going to be using the Unacompanied Minors Service because it's expensive, so I'm a little scared...How do I get to gates and all? What if I miss my flight? Wat if a creepy dude follows me around? Wat If I get lost? I feel really uncomfortable being around men, so if I sit next to one, can I ask to be sit next to a women? Also I'm flying Continetal and Loftsana, what are tose airlines like entertaiment, and food wise?
Dual citizenship international travel, US/POL?
I doubt it will even come up, although it might. just tell them exactly what you said here and that should settle it. tossing your US passport is an especially bad idea, since you need it to actually get in. if you don't have a US passport, you'd need a visa to go with your Polish passport and as an American, you can't get one. You'll just end up calling more attention to yourself and make them wonder just what game you're playing.
What color shoes would go well with a bright/ bold purple dress?
I'm going to a wedding and I bought a bright, bold purple dress. Just trying to find a trendy colour pair of shoes to go with the dress, any suggestions are welcome.
Travelling with baby need help!?
Just tell them at security. They will check the bottles, pre made if you want, and then give them back to you.
Why do Girls at College like me simply because they think i'm Good Looking?
Sounds like me, but the other way around. I was born like 2 months before I was supposed to be, do I look good? No, but my girlfriend don't really care about my looks and just looks beyond that. I also find that stupid also how most girls only like the good looking guy that will probably treat her bad instead of the not so good looking guy that will treat her really good.
I am Canadian citizen and I wanna go to Colombia for the summer?
You can see on the 1st site below that you do not need a visa to visit Colombia for up to 90 days. You do need a letter of permission from your parents. See 2nd site for a form to use.
Location for a prospect story?
I'm writing about a fictional story of myself leaving my old country (Venezuela) for Europe. My last destination is an island in Greece, but in the journey i will be making layovers around Europe, knowing people and learning from them. I somehow want to appreciate better my country and the life i have here (in the story), thing i don't do when i left. I want just a couple of countries (I'm getting to Europe via Portugal) to visit before arriving in Greece. Any ideas?
What to do around Miami Airport!?
I am taking students from my youth group to Honduras late June, we have a layover in Miami from 10am until 6:40pm. What can we do during this time? What is close? We would need to get back to the airport early for the flight, but should still have several hours to kill. Suggestions???
A group of Palestinians, some Israeli citizens admitted to planning to abduct Israeli soldiers, plant bombs ?
It tells me that Israel must seriously think about stripping any arab citizen of Israel who attempts against the State of Israel of the Israeli citizenship and sending him/her to Gaza.
Why is lady gaga's music so commercial?
I agree! She's trying so hard to be great and she never compare to someone like david bowie I mean please...she attacks the gays and the teenagers her music dosent hit hard she's just outrageous with her looks and actions
What is a good personalized birthday present?
so my friend (girl) is turning 14 and i want to get her something special. some of our friends are already getting her a picture frame with a bunch of pics of us in it. she plays guitar and she is very trendy if that help. so i would like something special or just any funny gift ideas that anyone could have would be nice too.
I am booking a flight through orbitz are they reliable and there are 3 stops do i have pay each time for bags?
meaning my flight has 2 different layovers do i have pay for baggage each time the flights are us airways and us airways express
Employment allowed without Green Card?
It's illegal. Report her here: a href="" rel="nofollow"
Can I get in trouble for insulting the queen of england on facebook?
I saw another yahoo answers about if you can insult the queen of england in public(legally) , and the answer was no, but can I insult her on facebook? (I am an American citizen), and I posted "I feel sorry for all the british citizens that have to pay taxes to a queen that does absolutly nothing, but sit and act important"
I have a long layover of 22 hours in Dubai(DXB). Will I be provided with complementary hotel by Emirates(EK)?
My ticket is over $960 and I'm flying in Economy class from Guangzhou (CAN) to Dubai (DXB). My next connection back home from DXB is in 22 hours. Will EK airlines provide me with complementary accommodation in Dubai?
Monday, July 11, 2011
What should I wear to my first nightlcub to meet girls?
I'm 19 years old and I'm going to my first 18+ nightclub tonight, and I'm wondering what to wear. The ad for the club says "Dress Code must be trendy" or something along those lines lol, so I need advice. What should a guy wear? Obviously I'm gonna try to get a number or something haha. :)
Is a 9 hour layover long enough to see Amsterdam?
I have a 9 hour layover at the Schiphol airport. Would 9 hours be enough time to head into the city and make it back?
Connecting flight in paris airport?
on june 27 i am going from new york to johannesburg on air france with a 10 hr layover in paris. i know it is terminal 2e but is it the terminal itself or the s3 Satellite? also how would i get from 2e to s3 or vice versa? and an i allowed to leave the airport and go into paris?
What would be a better flight?
It depends on whether you want to spend an extra day in El Paso or not, and whether you want a shorter layover in Denver. 49 minutes might be cutting it short, but if the flights are on the same airline you should be okay.
Is a 30 minute lay over enough time in an airport?
I am flying from Boston, MA to Parkersburg, WV but there is a stop in Cleveland, OH in between with a 30 minute layover from Ohio to West Virginia..Is that enough time for me to switch planes over without missing my flight for WV? I am not checking any luggage i only have one carry on bag with me. And could someone explain how a lay over works? ive never flew before :/
Flight to Bangkok with Manila Layover Good Idea?
the philippines is a wonderful country {MANILA IS NOT] i avoid it like the plague and with kids uhhuh,it would be well worth the extra $300 dollars to take another route
American-izing Immigrants- What do you think?
Everyone who immigrates to a new country should fully adopt, or do their best to adopt the ways and culture of that new country. That is what the "melting pot" was all about. If not, it will get to the point where people don't feel like Americans anymore, but rather they will consider themselves whatever nationality where they or their parents or grandparents came from (like I am starting to). This ruins the unity of any society and will lead to problems.
Indian traveling to the US via KL (Malaysia), do I need a transit visa for 8 hrs?
If you move out of the air port you need transit visa. In the city you can go out and even meet your friends.Recently I read a news item that transit visa is issued at the air port itself. If arranging a room in a hotel is done by the air lines ,they take care of the transit visa.
My father was born BEFORE my grandfather renounced his Italian citizenship.Can he be an Italian citizen?
Before my grandfather gave up his Italian citizenship for an American one, my dad was born, meaning my grandfather was still an Italian citizen when my dad was born. Does that mean he has the right to an Italian citizenship which in turn, would make me qualify for one?
First time flying alone... any tips?
It's going to be my first time flying alone too! And I will have a layover as well. Anyways, check the TSA's website for regulations on what you can bring on your carry on.Bring your charger in the carry on, so you can charge it at a charging station during your layover, since a lot of airports have those now. When you need to find your luggage, just ask an employee to show you where the pick up is. Call your family when you land in NY so they know your flight went well, and that you're safe. Good luck!
Can an airplane takeoff during a thunderstorm?
Thunderstorms usually pass pretty quickly in Ohio so your flight may be delayed a bit at most. The area is forecasted to have AM showers and the thunderstorms would probably be more scattered in nature. Hopefully you have a decent connection time in Atlanta so you are not scrambling to get to your next flight.
Flying Alaska Airlines?
If you've already bought you're airplane tickets then you won't be able not to have layovers, because it's what you've arranged and what you've payed for. If haven't already, then you could look to buy tickets that are a direct flight, maybe with 1 or 2 stopovers.
Fun things for a teenager to do on a 7 hr. flight?
I'm going to Colorado & need fun stuff to do on the flight. I have a layover in Chicago which is an hour and a half, I need stuff to do! I have an iPod, laptop (i don't know if I want to bring it though), kindle, camera, but I get bored really fast & I'm flying coach so I can't recharge my electronics :( I'm traveling with my family & I'm pretty sure I'm sitting next to them on every flight. What can I do so I don't get so bored that I go out and stand onthe wing or something?
Where can you find cute off the should shirts?
Hi, ok so I've been looking for a while trying to find those really trendy off the shoulder shirts. I really like them and I wanna know where you can get them so pleease help and also show me some that are really cute and would recommend me buying (links are fine). Ya thx!!!
Would I be able to move to Germany if my boyfriend is a German citizen and we are having a baby together?
My boyfriend and I are having a baby and i know the only way you can move to Germany is if you move there for work or school, but I don't plan on either right now. If my boyfriend is still a German citizen would I be able to live there since i am carrying his baby?
What are your favorite wigs- daily wear not costume?
I wear wigs every weekend for work (night club scene).Usually long or trendy ones. I have a ton of them but haven't found a brand or site I trust for good quality wigs. Will anyone share good sites or brands they they think look real or last? I am looking for fashion wigs for "young" people. Not costume wigs but actual daily wear ones. Synthetic is good I dont need real hair.
How to read this bus ticket?
no its sliding rock, pa. im assuming the that they are boarding/ arrival times for each stop and you can get off at any stop. The middle number is what I think to be the amount of time between buses that stop there. Like in my city a bus comes every half hour depending on the route.
I need help with immigration forms from H1B visa to green card through marriage?
you will need the G-325 to go with the I-130. Everything should be sent in together. otherwise, things tend to go astray and the whole process takes a lot longer.
How much would a plane ticket cost to Arizona from Indiana in like a week and a half to 2 weeks?
Okay so school ends june 6th. I'm supposed to go to arizona really soon after schools ends. But, my grandpa hasnt gotten the tickets yet and hes out of town until sunday. How much do you think it would cost to fly from indianapolis to phoenix on june 7 or 8? I can do layovers too. Help!
12 Hours Layover in France?
Try yahoo searching cdg hotels then go to - There are many, many hotels at or near the airport. Many with airport shuttles
How to wrote message for Australia embassy?
im from philippines , my boyfriend inviting me to visit his country, and he already sent me an invitation letter , but my problem is i don't know how to write a letter for embassy , i don't have any idea how to do this letter, i hope somebody can help me thought this.. boyfriend is an Australian citizen.
Trends for summer 2011?
Rompers, crop tops, TOMS, Sperry's, florals, flowy tank tops, bright colors, high-waisted shorts, studded shorts, gladiator sandals, bejeweled flip-flops, nautical (:
Why in USA everybody is a color?
Last weekend my niece was completing a job application and one section said: Please mark you race or color: Anglo, Hispanic, Afro American, Asian or white, black, or Latino not of white descent. Wouldn't be better to have just 2 categories: US citizen or resident? This country isn't in black and withe anymore but in panoramic color. what's your opinion about color and race classification?
Can I transfer planes in Canada with a DUI?
So from what I have read, it's true that I cannot go to Canada from the U.S. if I have a DUI, which is fine (even though I think it's stupid I live 2 hours away and can't cross the border) however I am going to Europe in August and I have a plane transfer in Toronto, is this going to be an issue? Because I have other things booked and may layover there is only 50 minutes, so I won't have time to be ridiculed with questions by Canadian national security or whatever. I would assume it would be fine, I just wanted some reassurance. Thank you!
Please do help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
If you can't find the relevant information on NASA's website, you may want to email someone there and ask for specific details.
What are some shops that are trendy but unique?
like delias,abercrombie kids, hollister but in smaller sizes and that no one else in my grade wears something cool but different
Why aren't more mothers pulling there weight?
Do you not see the irony of implying that women are lazy or failures for not spreading feminism? Regardless of sex everyone should raise every child to be respectful of others. You shouldn't push any side of sexism. Simply raise kids to be comfortable with who they are, and to be tolerant of how others choose to live their lives. (If you get too critical you will become hypocritical)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Why doesn't the media cover the 6,000+ deaths per year in Mexico caused by America's brainless war on Drugs?
Because its Mexico, like who cares. As long as all the Taco Bells are operating correctly I could care less what happens south of the border.
Can a person be self employed in Costa Rica, without becoming a citizen?
I am Canadian and my husband and I are thinking about going to Costa Rica and work for ourselves (have our own business). Do you have to be a citizen of Costa Rica to start a business. If not, what do you require to stay there and work for yourself? (The business would not require a space / we can do from our home/computer). Thanks.
I have a 12 hour layover in Miami . . Can I leave the airport?
We are traveling to the caribbean in July coming home we have a 12 hour layover in Miami... can we leave and go eat/shop or go to beach?
Is a 47 minute layover in LAX too short to make it through customs and continue to BOS?
Sadly, I think it's way too short, because every time I have landed in LAX and go thru customs it takes me no less than one hour to get thru, and I have been there about 5 to 7 times. Maybe you should fly to Dallas, Texas instead of L.A. way less people.
Have you beat your kid today?
This country has gone to chit. Is it any wonder why kids don't have any respect for anyone when parents are not able to discipline their own kids. Heck, when I was still in school, the teachers could still smack your hand with a ruler. If my kid ever said he was going to call the police on me, i would send his azz to the orphanage toot sweet. Screw that, I am the parent, and the government need to get the F out of my way.
(Toronto) Consulate fees for a Russian Transit Visa?
Hi, i have a 14 hour layover in the same Moscow airport between August 2nd and 3rd. I would like to explore the city for the small amount of hours given. I hold a Canadian passport, and i would be travelling with the same airline after my layover. If i do this whole visa process myself, how much would it cost, What would the consulate charge for my visa application? thanks!
Does it matter what country you married in with a non US citizen?
Me and my husband married in Netherlands Antilles, Curacao where he is not legal there. He is originally from Jamaica. I am a US citizen. The pastor who married us is registered and certified to marry people in that country where he is overstaying. And the marriage certificate did go Thur the registrar there. I am hearing that in order to obtain a k3 visa for a Jamaican the marriage have to take place in jamaica is this true? or it does not matter where you marry as long as it was recognized by the country registrar?
What should I do in NY? ?
I have a 12 hour layover in New York and I want to visit at least one or two thing in the time that I am there. What do you recommend being the top places to visit and what are the best/cheapest/fastest ways for getting there? Thanks so much!
Can I get space cakes into the departure zone at Amsterdam's Schipol airport?
This would be unwise. It's not legal or tolerated, and the chances of it's being detected at an airport must be higher than they would be elsewhere.
What is the procedure at london international airport for direct airside transit visa ? ?
I am from India .I am flying to Jordan from Mumbai via London .Because I want to see london on direct airside transit visa .Layover time is 3hr.40min. Will they allow me for datv ?
How long a layover before British Airways/Qantas puts you up at a hotel?
I have an 8 1/2 hr layover at Narita airport. BA flight connecting to Qantas Business Class. My ex suggested i would be put up at a hotel because it's so long, but others have said it's unlikely. how would i find out? I know i'll have access to the Qantas Club lounges, but I'm considering venturing into Tokyo for a couple of hours because I've never been to Japan, but am somewhat concerned about getting lost, even with the Narita Express train.
Customs on return from cancun?
I am going to cancun and returning on may 26th. It is not a direct flight and I am stopping in North Carolina with an hour and fifteen minute layover, before the flight to Boston. Will I have to go through customs upon arriving in North Carolina or in Boston. Also, my uncle requested a bottle of Don Julio Tequila, but I am not 21 years old, but I am old enough to purchase liquor in Mexico. Will I have trouble getting this through the airport. I know your aloud 2 liters of alcohol and will put it on my customs form, but was wondering if age is an issue.
Help with Names for baby girl?
Just found out we are having a girl! Now i need name ideas. We are looking for cute and trendy names. We like sophia, madison, alyssa, autumn. If you could suggest names to go with those or give other ideas that would be great
Does the Airport sell Philly cheesestakes?
My California grandson has a 4 hour layover in Philadelphia, and wants to try a real Philly Cheese steak.
Where do you buy your bathing suits?
I went to aeropostale the other day and got a super cute bikini for alltogether 8 bucks like the top was 4 and the bottom was 4 it was soo cheap but everyone complemented it and its reversible!
Senior citizens, from the uk?
How come you only asked people from the UK to answer? I am from Canada and was up at 4 A.M. to watch the wedding. I loved every minute of it. I love the Queen and I loved Diana. I was on vacation in Northern Ontario when I heard about Diana's death and was very shocked and saddened. She was a wonderful lady. Without the royal family there would be nothing special about England.
Flying to London from New York?
Assuming that all goes smoothly and on-time, not counting "frisking" or any layovers, about how long is the flight from New York City to London?
Can I leave the airport during a layover?
I'll be going to London, and my layover will be in Hong Kong for 10 hours.. Is it possible if I can go out of the airport and be back before my flight leaves?
What is this BLOODY earring called??!?!?!?
a gadge, a strecher. just look those up on google images! i hope you find something that looks like it!
Clearing immigration in Europe?
I am going to Prague from the US. On the way home, my flight leaves Prague and has a layover in Frankfurt and London. Since I will be starting my flight in Europe, do I have to clear immigration in either of these places before I land in the US? I have a 1:15 layover in Frankfurt and a 2:40 in London. I think I will be ok if I don't have to clear immigration. No checked bags.
What is this BLOODY earring called??!?!?!?
a gadge, a strecher. just look those up on google images! i hope you find something that looks like it!
How can i marry a nepali girl from nepal?
being an indian citizen how do i marry a nepali girl? what are the diplomatic requirements i need to fulfilled to marry her? please advice.
How many months should you wait in processing US citizenship?
I have an immigrant boyfriend, and as per him, he can only apply for US Citizenship by August 2012. How many months will it take to get the application approved and he can be a US citizen? And he is planning to take fiancee visa, will it take too long to get it approved?
What is the the best plus size store thats trendy and affordable?
my friend is a 3x and she is a plus size model so i wanted to get her something cute to congradulate her for her bday she models for torrid so im looking for a different store thats not torrid////// wetseal or faith21 wont fit her they run small and catherine n lane bryant(loop 18) too old for her she is 20
Name trends -love or hate-?
I hope to God it does. I'm really sick of hearing girl names that end in -lee or -ana and boy names that have -aiden in them somewhere. Oh, and I don't like going over to babysit some kid named Brett and finding out it's a girl. I mean, there are gender pronouns in the English language for a reason. Use them!
Any cool unique jewelry stores?
Forever 21! Charming Charlie's is GREAT but theres no online store. They also have trendy clothes and shoes!
Have a flying question?
Denver IS a very large airport, but it is extremely simple to figure out and to get around in, so you won't have a problem. Since you flights are both with United, the gates will be fairly close and you probably won't need to ride the train at all. Gates are assigned very late, so there is no way to anticipate what gate you will arrive at and what gate you depart from. However, toward the end of your flight to Denver the flight attendants will have the gate numbers and be able to tell you how to get from one to the other. There will also be a map in the back of the United magazine, so mark the gates and take it with you -- the airlines encourage you to do that, by the way. You will have plenty of time to switch planes, and really don't need to be worried about it at all! Have a great trip!
What are the immigration problems in the U.S?
Now I don't believe immigration is bad, but illegal is. immigration actually is what made U.S so great, not the other way around. countless immigrant-turned-citizens that contributed great things to our nation. back to the point, whats currently our problems? and from which countries?
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