Monday, July 18, 2011

Are you hated by your in-laws?

My in-laws really do not like me. I've been married for 10 years this year and they still don't like me. I am from another country but I became a U.S. citizen last year. I work full time and I go to college, I am a good housewife and I am a thrift person. I treat my husband very well and my in-laws know it. We don't have kids. They told my husband that they don't like foreign people. But my husband chose me to be his wife and that's how it is! I always treated them with respect and dignity. Every time they came to our house I served them lunch and was very nice to them. My husband's oldest brother threatened me one time back 9 years ago, because he too hates foreign people. Since he had a gun, I had to call the police. They didn't arrest him but he was booked for domestic violence (he yelled crazy things at me and threatened me). Anyway, after this incident, my parents-in-law hated me even more. My husband and I moved far away from them, about 6 or 7 hours drive. So now they hardly come here. My husband never really took a stand for me on this. I understand he has strong family ties, but I think he should demand some respect for me and him. What do you think? What can be done? Tell me if you are hated about your in-laws, why and what did you do about it. Thank you!

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