Thursday, July 14, 2011

Am I a slut?...I've done some stuff and my parents think I'm horrible.?

Okay so since I was a little kid I've always been the "problem child" Now that I'm a teenager (15) I've found a new "problem." I'm super boy crazy and a huge flirt. I'm not allowed to date and I've had A TON of boyfriends already (I know I'm young) but we've never done more than a short sweet kiss. However, I've done a bit more than that with my bro's best friend that I've known forever, but it's a secret that's been going on about 7 or 8 months. I sometimes wear a little makeup and my clothes are kinda revealing sometimes, but that's cause I wanna look trendy, not like a whore. But I'm starting to freak my parents and myself out lately, because a lot of guys have tried to get me to do stuff with them, and I'm scared one day soon, I'll be put in a position where it will be hard to say no.I know I'm attracting guys attention, but I kinda like it. Does that make me a slut?

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