Friday, July 15, 2011

Asian dad staring into my eyes.. does that mean that he likes me?

I heard that if a man looks into your eyes then he is supposedly attracted to you. I pass this man every day, when I drop my child off to school in the morning, and then when I go to pick him up from school. I don't know this guys name, all I know is that he's oriental looking and has a son and I think he's married. He's around his late 20's early 30's. He's been staring at me deep into my eyes for months, everytime we pass. His gaze never leaves my eyes, even when I look back at him. I was intimidated at first by this, but recently I have become attracted to him. I have a major crush in fact and I was wondering what I should do next. Only thing is..I'm in a relationship with my childs father, (not married) so it would be betrayal if I acted upon my feelings. I want to know if he likes me though. How do I go about asking him this?..I have never spoken to him before. Perhaps he doesn't speak good English. (I like in the U.K, so there are tons of immigrants who don't know much English. Another clue as to him liking me is, that he struts when he walks infront of me, swings him arms slightly and keeps his head up, and lately he's been wearing really trendy clothes and puffing his chest out when he walks past me. I don't know what to do. If he has a wife, I have to be careful about how I approach him..can anyone give me a few tips on breaking the ice with him. Apart from just saying "Hi" ?

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